“Kiss Me, I’m Vaccinated” by THE SANITIZERS The Sanitizers are: Colonel Spencer Evoy: Lead Vocals and Baritone Sax Eric Baconstrip: Drums & BV's Dan Criscuolo: Guitar & BV’s Phi Lenker: Bass Angus McPake: Organ
Written by Spencer Evoy Mixed & Mastered by Sean Hingston Video edited by Eric Baconstrip -------------------------------------------------- KISS ME, I’M VACCINATED
As ever on top of the present pandemic trends, socially isolated supergroup THE SANITIZERS return with their latest disinfected single for latterly locked-down singles who’ve gotten the jab and are ready to mingle. We’ve Sanitized It, Sneezed In our Sleeves, stayed safe (if not sane) and now that we’re getting inoculated we’re ready to say KISS ME BABY, I’M VACCINATED!
THE SANITIZERS are spread across at least four countries and feature international garage rock stars from bands such as THE FUZILLIS, KING SALAMI & THE CUMBERLAND 3, MARTIN SAVAGE & THE JIGGERZ, MFC CHICKEN, LES BOF, THE THANES, LOS TORONTOS, BARRENCE WHITFIELD & THE SAVAGES, LYRES, THE SENSATION SEEKERS and many more (well, maybe a few more).
“Kiss Me, I’m Vaccinated” by THE SANITIZERS
ReplyDeleteThe Sanitizers are:
Colonel Spencer Evoy: Lead Vocals and Baritone Sax
Eric Baconstrip: Drums & BV's
Dan Criscuolo: Guitar & BV’s
Phi Lenker: Bass
Angus McPake: Organ
Written by Spencer Evoy
Mixed & Mastered by Sean Hingston
Video edited by Eric Baconstrip
As ever on top of the present pandemic trends, socially isolated supergroup THE SANITIZERS return with their latest disinfected single for latterly locked-down singles who’ve gotten the jab and are ready to mingle. We’ve Sanitized It, Sneezed In our Sleeves, stayed safe (if not sane) and now that we’re getting inoculated we’re ready to say KISS ME BABY, I’M VACCINATED!
THE SANITIZERS are spread across at least four countries and feature international garage rock stars from bands such as THE FUZILLIS, KING SALAMI & THE CUMBERLAND 3, MARTIN SAVAGE & THE JIGGERZ, MFC CHICKEN, LES BOF, THE THANES, LOS TORONTOS, BARRENCE WHITFIELD & THE SAVAGES, LYRES, THE SENSATION SEEKERS and many more (well, maybe a few more).