Saturday, April 24, 2021

Headmixer Larry from Surf Monster by El Borko

1 comment:

  1. "El Borko was raised on Hatch chili and gamma rays until he learned surf guitar. In dreams he rode towering waves of electric twang. His amplifier tubes glowed like lava plunging into the eternal sea."

    Track from the akbum: Surf Monster, released February 18, 2021

    Brook Adams and Jon Neher are El Borko. Imagine Sponge Bob meets Jack Kerouac on Gilligan's island. There's straight-up surf guitar, some vocal harmony, rockabilly, and some trippy soundscapes for those whose watch says 4:20.

    Brook Adams: Guitar, Vocals
    Jon Neher: Steel Guitars, Stun Guitar
    Barkley Wagmore: Drums, Bass, Vocals


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