Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Stalag 13 - Fill In The Silence (Full Album)

1 comment:

  1. Stalag 13 - 80's Nardcore Skate Punks from Oxnard, California

    https://stalag13.bandcamp.com/album/fill-in-the-silence​ (2021)

    1. Won't Get Me 00:00​
    2. Can't Run Away 02:10​
    3. Believe In Yourself 04:00​
    4. Standing United 06:27​
    5. Black Stix 07:24​
    6. Fill In The Silence 09:52​
    7. Statistic 11:58​
    8. What Happened Here 13:23​
    9. Not The Same 15:33​
    10. Looking Forward 16:31​
    11. Conditioned 17:59​

    Buy Album: https://stalag13.bandcamp.com/album/fill-in-the-silence


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