Thursday, July 30, 2020

Research Reactor Corp. - "The Collected Findings Of The Research Reactor Corporation"

1 comment:

  1. Sidney's Research Reactor Corp return to spread their frantic toxic waste slime throught this psychotic and paranoid 12" realeased by always finest Erste Theke Tonträger.

    "...We’ve lost all connection to the cooling towers and the containment facility is overloaded. It’s a toxic dump of synth, slime, and snarl. It’s Pee Wee Herman starring in a Blade Runner remake; Devo writing the score for Mad Max. It’s easy to assume that nothing could top the waste dump called Research Reactor Corp. but compared to this new piece of plastic that outdated thing is (nuclear) decommissioned.

    This – dare I say – experimental compilation comes crashing through the safety doors and slams into some previously untapped atomic potential. It’s angry and frantic; just the way I prefer music. Everything about Research Reactor Corp. indicates chaos, but amid the hazardous material is a groove that keeps you ticking. When the plane goes down, make sure you have your oxygen mask on – kind of feeling. You could call it some kind of “Toxic Beat”

    00:00 01. Shock Treatment
    01:31 02. VHS
    03:29 03. Meatmann
    05:04 04. Smell my musk
    07:15 05. Hi mom
    09:18 06. Beans Funeral
    10:14 07. Big Baby
    11:24 08. (Reactor)
    12:09 09. Bizniz World
    14:23 10. Toxic Beat
    16:23 11. Teenage Labrat
    18:33 12. (Experiment 420)
    18:56 13. Modern Mann

    released July 3, 2020


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