Saturday, March 28, 2020

Reverend Beat-Man - Living Room Showcase (Corona 2020)

1 comment:

  1. From OP:
    Here's a Showcase i recorded for the Swiss National TV as a virtual Football Stadium Show ... but they just broadcasted the first 2 minutes then they stopped it, anyway.. here's the full show .. i thought if i already made it.. why not show it..

    have fun

    thanks to Claudio and the Swiss french TV
    Filmed in Bern, Breitsch (march 25.2020)
    Camera: Beat-Man
    Sound: Beat-Man
    Bed: Beat-Man
    guy in Bambi Costume: Beat-Man
    Reverend: Beat-Man
    Disco Beat: Beat-Man
    Cat: Kiki
    Hot Host with Black hair: Beat-Man
    Dancing Nun: Beat-Man

    © SUISA , Voodoo Rhythm Publishing
    (Text und Musik Beat Man Zeller)

    - It's so Fucked Up
    - slave to the phone
    - you are on top
    - i’ll take care of you
    - the way to my heart

    Reverned beat-man:


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