Saturday, March 28, 2020

Fernando & The Teenage Narcs - Quarentine

1 comment:

  1. Song from the V/A compilation album: SOLIDARITY! - SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL UNDERGROUND PUNK SCENE by Mort Clique Shows

    released March 26, 2020

    Corona sucks!

    But now we're all stuck in this situation and have to deal with it. Right now we are not threatend by the virus ourselves but we had to cancel shows and don't know when we can continue but the rent for our beloved venue still has to be paid!
    And that's where you come in: we made this sampler so you can help and get something in advance.
    All donations will be used to save the venue (and maybe to buy some toilet paper)!

    A huge THANK YOU goes out to all the great bands and artists who contributed songs to the sampler! Nearly 40 songs are more than we expected and it's awesome. ENJOY IT!

    Thanks for the songs! Thanks for the donations!


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