Tuesday, February 25, 2020

New Sensations by Liposuction (Full EP)

1 comment:

  1. Liposuction - garage punk from Los Angeles, California

    Sucks Eggs 01:29
    Gig Economy 01:09
    Joaquin 04:27
    I Hate You 01:11
    Missing Link 01:33

    Is it normal to feel a hot burning sensation nearly one year after your first liposuction procedure? Wow! Great question! Typically minor swelling and skin retractions can take anywhere between eight-to-ten months to settle down completely. However, each patient is different and recovery times do vary.
    New sensations can take some time to adapt to, but if you are uncomfortable with the way you are feeling, we recommend gently massaging the affected area and to try applying ice and compression to the affected location. If the issue does not subside or you are still feeling signs of discomfort, please follow up with your surgeon to address your concerns.
    Please remember to listen to your body and when in doubt, sit back, relax, and enjoy the new sensations.

    released February 24, 2020

    Dr. Dante A. Freakee - throat
    Nurse Kiana Green - synth
    Nurse Daniel Wityak - guitar
    Nurse Emanuel Farias - drums


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