Thursday, January 30, 2020

Haters - S/T (Full Album)

1 comment:

  1. "Over six years since it was recorded this forgotten masterpiece of extreme hardcore is finally released! Utterly single-minded in its relentless brutality, this is one of the most focussed, hateful records I've ever heard.

    This is not the noise Haters that most people would expect At War to be relasing but a short-lived band featuring three members of the Voorhees lineup that cut the classic "Spilling Blood Without Reason" LP from 1994. Haters is a different beast though, taking influence from Brainbombs, maybe even early wave power electronics, but channelling it through the Negative Approach wringer, which results in some utterly hideous stuff. Songs are short, sharp shocks that get straight to the point and the album's over 14 tracks later, not at one point letting up for a second. "Kill And Fuck Angels", "Sadist Fuck", "We've Got The Power" say it all really...probably not recommended listening for the faint of heart/easily offended.

    I'm very chuffed with how this record came out and very happy to be part of its release. Some may percieve it to be a bit of a sidestep from the usual At War trajectory but those people would be missing the point entirely, because stuff like this the reason I started the label in the first place and will keep it going for several years to come" -AWWFN

    At War With False Noise/Heidenwut Productions (2009)

    1. Thrillkiller 00:00
    2. I Left My Heart In Plainfield 01:04
    3. Kill And Fuck Angels 02:45
    4. Nightclubbing 04:14
    5. Right Wing Now 05:45
    6. Cut You Up To Get High 06:30
    7. Sadist Fuck 07:45
    8. We've Got The Power 10:46
    9. Boro Red Light District 12:12
    10. Suck My Knife 13:30
    11. Missing Body Parts 15:13
    12. Blood And Cum 16:19
    13. Streetwalking With Jesus 17:38
    14. Abstract Psycho / Working Girls 21:07


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