Saturday, December 21, 2019

Terveet Kädet - The Ultimate Pain (Full Album)

1 comment:

  1. Terveet Kädet - A Finnish, Tornio-based hardcore punk band that was active from January 1980 to March 2016.

    Terveet Kädet ("Healthy Hands") was the first Finnish hardcore band and has had a major influence on bands from all over the world. Band's line-up changed several times throughout the years and the only permanent member was the vocalist Veli-Matti "Läjä" Äijälä.

    Label: Solardisk (1999)

    1. Deep Wounds 00:00
    2. The Heat 03:43
    3. Restless Soul 07:29
    4. Stones Of Strength 10:41
    5. Death Factory 13:51
    6. The Cry Of Distress 16:16
    7. The Instruments Of Armageddon 21:19
    8. Inner Monster 24:56
    9. Pain Ideology 28:05
    10. Another Life 31:30
    11. The Ultimate Pain 33:59


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