Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Cattlefish Fritter Live at Fuzz Baby Records

1 comment:

  1. From OP:
    All the way from Japan! The Cattle Fish Fritter!
    Live at Fuzz Baby Records

    Thank you for sharing your music with us!
    Song 1: Shitai! Shitai! Shitai!
    Song 2: PRGP Punk Rock Ojii-Chan

    Recorded Live at @FuzzBabyRecords
    Mixed by Rob Kingsley
    Mastered by Mike Kennedy @VinylMilitia

    Special Thanks to DJ Mike Locke for bringing them all the way here, and for all his amazing help in supporting friends and music, from all aspects of the musical spectrum! head over to his instagram page and support! @djmikelocke


    The Cattlefish Fritter was first formed in 1998 at Yokohama, Japan. After a few member changes, now it runs with the three members from December 2014.

    They established a unique Japanese punkabilly style with their highly original music based on the rockabilly, pop and catchy songs which you cannot forget, and powerful live performances featuring a wood base. They often perform at Shimokitazawa in Tokyo, but in order to revolutionize the Japanese rock scene, they also travel to play all around the country.

    At the YAMAHA's "Tokyo Band Summit", the band won the prize to perform SHIBUYA-AX "FINAL LIVE." Although they narrowly missed Grand Prix, Tetsuo(Gt & Vo) won "the Best Player Award" among the 500 bands.

    As well as organising live events regularly in Tokyo, now they play regularly in the Kansai area, which sparked a punkabilly boom there.

    In autumn 2015, they announced the carrier's first full album. Their first tour abroad is soon going to be held in America where the rocabilly was born.

    So, the Cattlefish Fritter is now gaining momentum, and is a must-listen for all the rock fans!


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