Tuesday, November 26, 2019

sinks - professor t (Resistor Sound Session)

1 comment:

  1. “professor t” by sinks (so far unreleased)

    Recorded by Vojta Hájek, Rhys Braddock
    Mix and mastering by Rhys Braddock
    Camera: Jonáš Svoboda, Ivana Tresová, Mizuki Nakeshu, Martin D. Kratochvíl
    Video: Jonáš Svoboda
    Production: Petra Braddock, Ivo Lorenc

    Sinks arrived on the scene this year and just might start a minor revolution if they’re not careful. With their sometimes unhinged, post-punk sensibility and brusque, rant-like vocals, they’re quickly finding an audience who like their steak a little rawer, a little more untamed. Infectious, noisy and still in it’s infancy, Sinks offer a hopeful glimpse into the future. A welcome addition to the noise-rock scene and a prospect to keep an eye on.

    sinks: https://sinksbrunn.bandcamp.com

    Supported by
    Státní fond kultury České republiky
    Fair Price Music (https://www.fairpricemusic.com)
    Kabinet Múz (https://www.kabinetmuz.cz)
    Smile Music (https://www.smilemusic.cz)

    Resistor Sound Sessions: https://www.facebook.com/resistorsoundsessions

    Recorded and filmed 3.11.2019 @ Kabinet Múz, Brno, CR


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