Friday, November 8, 2019

Heard - Stop It Baby

1 comment:

  1. From OP:
    Audition 6107 - Rochester NY USA 1966. CLASSICS GALORE pt 8. Frothing beastie from upstate. This was written by multi-talent Kerim "Kim" Capli who also was in the local Groop Ltd before this and later moved to California and joined the Sundowners and briefly drummin' for the Monkees. Kerim is lot more known in Turkey (his place of birth and where he also returned in the early 70's) than anywhere. He sadly passed away 15 years ago in November 2004, so this is a dedication. Unfortunately their only platter but unissued stuff exists.

    Kerim Capli - Peter Genovese - Jeff Wheat - Brad Wheat - Gary Quinn


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