Friday, November 15, 2019

Call It A Day - 4 Hours Of Rare Rockabilly Vinyl Sound - Museum Session, dipped with Country!!!


  1. Tracklist (part 1)
    00:00 The Phaetons - I Love My Baby (Chevy 1956, wish I would have her)
    02:49 Hank Mizell - Jungle Rock
    05:30 Marlon Grisham - Ain't That A Dilly
    07:50 Bobby Crown - One Way Ticket
    10:06 Bob Norris - Party Time
    12:18 The Emanons - Stomper
    14:30 The Excels - Lets Dance
    16:34 Ron Thompson - Switchblade
    18:28 Joe D. Johnson - Rattlesnake Daddy
    20:15 The Night Raiders - Cottonpickin'
    21:46 Ralph Nielsen - Scream
    23:41 Johnny Knight - Rock & Roll Guitar
    25:47 Ralph - I've Got It
    28:00 Alfredo Mendieta and Guitar Carlos ORQ. - Chicken Run
    29:54 The Braves - Woodpecker Rock
    31:50 Billy Adams & The Rock-A-Teers - You Gotta Have A Ducktail
    34:14 Jack And The Ripper Z - Heart Attack
    36:08 Arlie Miller - Lou Ann
    38:42 Willie Ward And The Warblers - I’m A Madman
    41:05 The Tornadoes - Tornado Twist
    42:52 Paul Ballenger and The Flares - I Hear Thunder
    45:11 Kenny Smith - I'm So Lonesome, Baby
    47:14 Walter Brown And His Band - Jelly Roll Rock
    49:25 Gene Terry and His Kool Kats - The Woman I Love
    51:45 Pete Peters And The Rhythmakers - Dizzy
    54:15 Walter Brown And His Band - Alley Cat
    56:10 The Country Lads (Leon Mach) - I Asked Her
    58:15 Pete Peters And The Rhythmakers - Rockin' N' My Sweet Baby's Arms
    1:00:40 Tommy Nelson and Band - Hobo Bop
    1:02:51 The Rebelaires - Satellite Rock
    1:05:28 Darrell Rhodes - Lou Lou
    1:07:39 Kip Tyler - Rumble
    1:09:51 Robin Dale - Big Steel Bucket
    1:12:04 Darrell Rhodes - Four O'Clock Baby
    1:14:34 Joe D. Johnson - T For Thelma
    1:16:34 Mike Sanchez and The Rock-A-Tones - Wicked
    1:18:52 The Genteels - Take It Off
    1:20:42 Herb Kliege + Bailey's Nervous Kats - Devils Run
    1:22:39 Bob Taylor and The Counts - Taylor Rock
    1:24:54 Benny Cliff acc. The Benny Cliff Trio - Shake Um Up Rock
    1:27:10 B. Goode and Band - Ho Key Po Key Rock
    1:29:56 Billy Adams with The Rock & Roll Boys - Rock Pretty Mama
    1:32:06 Bobby Nelson Quartet - There Ain't Nothin' True About You
    1:34:05 Bobby Roberts - Big Sandy
    1:36:03 Bubba Ford - Wiggling Blond
    1:38:16 Bucky & Premieres - Cruisin'
    1:40:11 Carlos Diaz With The Royal Tones - Sugaree
    1:42:12 Commonwealth Jones - Jump And Run
    1:44:43 Bobby Wayne - Sally Ann
    1:47:02 Al Davis and the Blackouts - Go Baby Go
    1:49:21 Alden Holloway - Blast Off
    1:52:10 George Darro & The Vi-Kings - The Southern Twist
    1:54:34 Art Adams and The Rhythm Knights - Dancing Doll
    1:56:28 Country G-J's - Go Girl Go
    1:59:01 Bobby Lollar with Pete Beaver's Band - Bad Bad Boy

  2. Tracklist (part 2)
    2:00:53 Buddy Phillips with Rockin' Ramblers - Coffee Baby
    2:03:48 Charles K. - Right Bird Baby
    2:05:34 Bobby Brown - Please Please Baby
    2:07:42 Ernie Nowlin and Blue Shadow Boys - Tally Ho
    2:10:01 Herbie Duncan With Red Wells and his Caravans - Hot Lips Baby
    2:12:23 Henry Henry - Baggie Maggie
    2:14:22 The Jayes - Panic Stricken
    2:16:08 Jim Thaxter - Sally Jo
    2:18:36 Dwain Bell And The Turner Brothers - Rock And Roll On A Saturday Night
    2:20:31 Don Willis - Warrior Sam
    2:23:07 Ray Pate And The Rhythm Rockets - My Shadow
    2:25:36 The Rockin' Continentals - The 309
    2:28:31 The Screamers - I Dig
    2:30:48 Roy "The Hound" Hall - One Monkey Can't Stop The Show
    2:33:49 Stormy Gayle - Flipsville
    2:35:44 Three Aces And A Joker - Booze Party
    2:38:03 Tom James - Track Down Baby
    2:40:43 Arnold Parker and The Southernairs - Find A New Woman
    2:42:47 Bill Bowen With The Rockets - Don't Shoot Me Baby
    2:44:56 Phil Gray and his GO BOYS - Pepper Hot Baby
    2:46:57 Jim Morrison - Ready To Rock
    2:49:09 Phil Gray and his GO BOYS Bluest Boy In Town
    2:51:19 Gerry Fiander - So Long, Goodbye
    2:54:07 The Big Four - All Keyed Up
    2:56:09 Bob Taylor and The Counts - Thunder
    2:58:55 Chiyo & The Crescents - Devil Surf
    3:01:01 Donnie Boyd - Waggle Part II
    3:03:22 Gene "The Draggin' King" Moles - Burning Rubber
    3:05:23 The Marlins - Let Down
    3:07:58 Jerry And The Casuals - Battle Of The Three Blind Mice
    3:09:54 Bubba Ford - Wiggling Blond
    3:12:08 Lou Millet - Slip, Slip, Slippin' In
    3:14:21 Lloyd McCollough - Gonna Love My Baby
    3:16:38 Ray Taylor And Alabama Pals - Conny Lou
    3:19:07 Sonny Wallace - Black Cadillac
    3:21:26 Gerry King - Six Long Years
    3:24:19 Billy Barton - Wanted Man
    3:26:59 Billy D. Hunter - Five Stud Poker
    3:29:29 Johnny Long - Six String Buddy
    3:33:18 CurtIs Lamar - Mean Eyed Cat
    3:35:47 Ron Jordan & The Cherryville Drifters - Get Up And Try Again
    3:37:45 Frank Reynolds - Bluest Boy In Town
    3:39:53 Michael S. Helton - Just A Ramblin' Man
    3:42:54 Phil Feddings - Okeechebee Stomp
    3:45:27 Mark Williams & The Continentals - Honey, Honey
    3:47:24 Tom and The Craftsmen - The Work Song
    3:49:34 Buddy Howard with Vagabond Trio - Devil Dream Song
    3:51:26 Rodger & The Tempests - Bad Way
    3:53:55 Whitey Gallagher - Searchin’
    3:56:20 Rick Rickels - I’m Gone
    3:58:58 The Masonics - Call It A Day


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