Title track from the EP: "Vacation To Helheim" by The Palatines releases September 24, 2019 https://thepalatines.bandcamp.com/album/vacation-to-helheim
Hailing from The Rio Grande Valley (the southernmost part of Texas), this pop punk rock n' roll trio was formed in May of 2016. The Palatines exploded onto the South Texas scene with a hard driving, hooky, melodic flavor of punk with the likes of The Riverdales, The Creeps, Cocksparrer and Dillinger Four serving as major influences.
Title track from the EP: "Vacation To Helheim" by The Palatines
ReplyDeletereleases September 24, 2019
Hailing from The Rio Grande Valley (the southernmost part of Texas), this pop punk rock n' roll trio was formed in May of 2016. The Palatines exploded onto the South Texas scene with a hard driving, hooky, melodic flavor of punk with the likes of The Riverdales, The Creeps, Cocksparrer and Dillinger Four serving as major influences.