Friday, September 6, 2019

Haerdsmaelta - "Acid Rainbow" (Official Music Video)

1 comment:

  1. Haerdsmaelta - "Acid Rainbow" Official Music Video

    Artist City, State, Country: Uppsala, Sweden

    Artist Bio: HAERDSMAELTA is what you never could imagine that you’d ever would want to see, or hear. A three-piece insect look-alike industrial punk band. Delivering a raw mix of sugar sweet pop, metal, and stoner-rock. Vivid, realistic, and harsh.

    This underground circus recently released the third part of an astonishing debut-triology. 'Gone in Grey' (Open Mind Records 2018) is the crown EP that rests upon the pileum of previous to released 'Atom Heart Mother F*ckers' (Toanol Records 2016) and 'The Whiter Album' (Open Mind Records 2016).



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