Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Freak - Ritual Death Demo EP

1 comment:

  1. Warthog Speak Records (2019)

    1. Ride Or Rust / Isolation Device 00:00
    2. Ritual Death 03:32
    3. Blinding Light 06:18
    4. Control 08:55

    Originally released in 2015 on Cassette by the band. Limited to 100 copies coming later this year on 7".

    released February 11, 2019

    In their all-to-brief and virtually unknown tenure, the Los Angeles area trio known simply as FREAK, managed to churn out five tyrannizing tracks of surf-dirge, destruct-o thud punkers that surrender the mind to a dusty desert cave of noisy repetitive coercion. Not dissimilar to Leather Nun’s “No Rule,” if it was born out of Charles Manson's California.
    FREAK members were also involved in JUMP OFF A BUILDING, RANK/XEROX, and INDEX.


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