Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Contaminated - "Acceptance" Official Music Video

1 comment:

  1. Contaminated - "Acceptance" Official Music Video

    Artist City, State, Country: Ashington, England, UK

    Artist Bio: In the corners of every city, surburb, town and village, are those backed into that corner by the fear of acceptance and equality. Those that feel disconnected and not up to the standard that the model of society sets.
    This is the driving force behind Contaminated and the idea itself. The thought of feeling like something is wrong with you but not being able to figure out what it is or why it is.
    As a result four pissed off lads from Ashington NE UK, decided it would be dope to throw some tracks together and see where this thing leads us, in the hopes to travel with the band and play some highly energetic shows whilst at the same time being able to deliver some relatable content to folk out there that feel us.
    This is Contaminated.

    Director Name: Matthew Hall/Emily Pattison
    Director Website: (was done by the band)
    Producer Name: Chris Hall

    About the Video: In a sh*thole underground car park in our hometown.

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ContaminatedUK
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/_CONTAMINATED_
    Bandcamp: https://contaminateduk.bandcamp.com/releases


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