Sunday, July 14, 2019

Tasteless - Johnny Too Bad

1 comment:

  1. Psychobilly Meeting Spain 2019

    This band reflects what can happen when the best and active musicians from Uk, go along together, all of them with an excellent taste of doing music in their proper bands which transmit the perfection in that new one . And on top of this they have a Psychobilly legend playing drums and what do we get?
    This explosive mix can only give good results and they called THE TASTELESS !!!

    Leader and singer of the Zipheads, “Ray Waters” , Loz Hawkins on guitar, (Mad Dog Cole/ Devil Wrays ), Bruno Malo on bass , (Moonshine Stalkers, Guitar Slingers, KDV Deviators ), and Kevin Haynes on drums, from the legendary Torment. They got together in a practice room and started to upload some videos on facebook , their style is clean, despotic Neo Rockabilly with all the ingredients that points to a future great band, so we coudn´t say no and we decided to invite them to our stage to show you crazy lot what they did in that rehearsal room !

    They have a bunch of own songs , and some covers too. they are ready to record pretty soon. We know there are quite a lot of interest in this band on the scene.


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