Monday, March 25, 2019

the Hangmen - 21st century Frankenstein (UK 199?) [Fan Video]

1 comment:

  1. Track from the album: The Hangmen – Original Sins
    Label: Crazy Love Records ‎– CLCD 6490
    Format: CD, Album
    Country: Germany
    Released: 2001
    Style: Psychobilly, Alternative Rock, Lo-Fi, Garage Rock, Punk, Rock & Roll, Rockabilly

    Engineer – Steve Hoggart
    Performer, Double Bass – Mark Burnette
    Performer, Drums – Spoony Pennywise
    Performer, Guitar, Lead Vocals, Songwriter, Composed By, Arranged By – Loz Firewalker

    Notorious UK based Punk/Psychobilly trio with a background of international live tours and various labels releasing their recordings since the nineties.

    Press Release:
    When The Hangmen exhumed the grit of the Devils’ own Blues, the uncontrollable abandon of true Rock n’ Roll and the confrontational dissatisfaction of Punk Rock invoking a musical Frankenstein Monster that is raunchy, filthy, outspoken, hostile, loaded with unsavoury lyrical cunning and above all genuine there was no strategy or expectation to ricochet around a global underworld of sweaty rock dives in the defiant chaos that has enveloped the band for over two decades.

    Controversially entwined with the Psychobilly culture that spawned them, welcome guests in Punk Rock arenas and secretly endorsed by factions in the Rockabilly and Goth fraternities there exists also an eclectic and enduring worldwide following for this distinctively dark, cynical entity that goes beyond any genre ring-fencing.
    Eight self-penned albums backed up by hundreds upon hundreds of raw, rowdy and powerful international live engagements haven’t exactly dampened a longstanding formidable reputation either.

    Sticking to their guns through thick and thin, consistently delivering tense hi-octane tunes with songs of darkly deranged genius whilst never following any pack The Hangmen still stand as that rare and potent musical delicacy - an original rock and roll cult band with guts.


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