Saturday, February 2, 2019

White Car Coming from Delaney Davidson / Bruce Russell: One Hand Loose by Delaney Davidson / Bruce Russell

1 comment:

  1. Track from the album "Delaney Davidson / Bruce Russell: One Hand Loose" - releases February 1, 2019

    Delaney Davidson: guitar, drums, vocals
    Bruce Russell: guitar, electro-acoustic treatments

    This is an improbable record made by two guys who have on the face of it little business together except that they live in the same small town. Lyttelton is the town that contains such apparently disparate talent as ‘the human wheel’, travellin’ troubadour Delaney D; and the take-no-prisoners ‘Jimi Hendrix of no-technique’, Bruce R. Hatched over espresso, black-eyed beans and pulled pork barbeque in the shebeens of that gritty port town, the concept is that of a tribute album. A tribute paid in blood to the unsung king of rock’n roll, Holly Springs most famous son, the man who taught Elvis how to sing with a microphone – Charlie Feathers. The vibe is loose, the sounds are red-line-pushing, the beats are eye-rollin’, daddy-o, and the vibe is so far beyond ‘gone’ that there appears no way back.


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