Sunday, February 17, 2019

Surf Guitar 1 by Pete Bradley Production Music (Full Album)

1 comment:

  1. Pete Bradley Production Music from Isle of Wight, UK

    "I have been releasing music under the aliases Man In Formaldehyde, Super Distortion and Art Giraffefungal for a number of years on Pointy Bird Records. After a forced rest I've decided that I'd be a lot happier following in the footsteps of the music library artists that have always been such an influence for me. I like to be anonymous, I don't like doing "shows" and I love trying new genres. So.."

    The Iceman Cometh 01:48
    Destination Horizon 02:25
    F A B 01:40
    Dimension 9 02:17
    Tripple Ripple 02:16

    Surf guitar production music. If you are music supervisor or other music licensing professional please feel free to download as many tracks as you like for £0. I own all the rights to this music so I can OK usage fast. If you are here just to enjoy the music, great! All I ask is that you pay a little something if you download... maybe 50p for an EP/Mini Album? This is purely so I don't go over my free-download limit!

    released February 12, 2019


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