Saturday, February 16, 2019

Common Market - Common Market CS EP

1 comment:

  1. Cassette (2014)

    1. I 00:00
    2. II 01:43
    3. III 03:02
    4. IV 04:22

    Common Market is a project between two members of several other Charlotte, NC bands. Unlike any of their other projects though, Common Market is an exercise in herky-jerky rhythms and unhinged cohesiveness. The obvious starting point is some of the wild, spastic hardcore of Die Kreuzen, and also not too far off from some of the current slimy filth that the Midwest so effortlessly churns out these days. These simple comparisons are just that though, and not necessarily indicative of just how wild these songs are. If you want gnarly, snotty, venomous punk, then look no further.


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