MyManMike is a thrashcore / Powerviolence band based in Seoul, South Korea, that started in late 2011. 3 members, 3 countries : USA, France and South Korea. The band released 2 albums, "Will you marry me ?" in 2013 and "I'm pregnant" in 2014, and performed more than 100 shows in 20 countries across Asia, Europe and America.
Tracks: 1. Proboscis 00:43 2. Le ligre est un animal surprenant 01:19 3. Inside outside USA 01:00 4. Bleach baby 01:37 5. South Kor Suicide 02:43 6. Boris : On 01:06 7. Just a drag 01:24 8. Hey man, I found Viagra on the street 01:05 9. We are the Borg 01:29 10. My man Mike 01:07
about: MyManMike is : Sunwoon Kim : Bass / vocals Mathew Klein : Guitar / vocals JP Lejal : drums
released May 22, 2013
Recorded at Bubblegum Sound (Seoul) in January 2013. Mixed by Benoît Courribet from Cylens Mastering. Artwork by Katrin Baumgärtner ( Pictures by Punkie and Ken Robinson
MyManMike is a thrashcore / Powerviolence band based in Seoul, South Korea, that started in late 2011. 3 members, 3 countries : USA, France and South Korea. The band released 2 albums, "Will you marry me ?" in 2013 and "I'm pregnant" in 2014, and performed more than 100 shows in 20 countries across Asia, Europe and America.
Proboscis 00:43
Le ligre est un animal surprenant 01:19
Inside outside USA 01:00
Bleach baby 01:37
South Kor Suicide 02:43
Boris : On 01:06
Just a drag 01:24
Hey man, I found Viagra on the street 01:05
We are the Borg 01:29
My man Mike 01:07
MyManMike is :
Sunwoon Kim : Bass / vocals
Mathew Klein : Guitar / vocals
JP Lejal : drums
released May 22, 2013
Recorded at Bubblegum Sound (Seoul) in January 2013.
Mixed by Benoît Courribet from Cylens Mastering.
Artwork by Katrin Baumgärtner (
Pictures by Punkie and Ken Robinson