Wednesday, December 12, 2018


1 comment:

  1. From OP:
    In 1979 when I moved north of Toronto, these guys were some of the first musicians I met. We became good friends & made some great music together. In '83 I found out that they played Nothin' & they had an up-coming gig in Lindsay. So, I asked if I could get up & sing Nothin' with them & they agreed. It was definitely a no-brainer! I loved the way they added the keyboards. Seamless......
    Recorded "Live" @ The Armories in Lindsay, Ontario.
    Larry Rogers - Lead Guitar
    Doug Purdy - Drums
    Bill Scott - Bass
    Tom Appleton - Rhythm Guitar
    Roger Hladki - Keyboards
    Dave Bingham - Vocal
    "Live" Recording: Larry Rogers
    Mastered with iZotope by: D.J.Bingham


    *Note: Dave Bingham who made this post to YouTube is a founding member of the garage band The Ugly Duckings.


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